James Carville Floats Al Gore as a VP Pick

11 06 2008

From HuffingtonPost.com:

The always colorful former Clinton aide James Carville said on CNN today that he thinks Barack Obama should choose former vice president Al Gore as his VP. He argued that Gore would be the right candidate for combating the biggest problem facing the nation: oil consumption.

Watch the video: Click Here

Greatest economic problem +
Greatest national security issue +
Greatest environmental issue=

Dependence on oil and the things
we’ve done to secure it

Could Al Gore play a pivotal role in the next four years as VP? Is this a great opportunity for America?

Toyota promises plug-in hybrid vehicle by 2010

11 06 2008

By YURI KAGEYAMA |AP Business Writer
12:33 AM CDT, June 11, 2008
Click here for the original article

TOKYO – Toyota is introducing a plug-in hybrid with next-generation lithium-ion batteries in Japan, the U.S. and Europe by 2010, under a widespread strategy to be green outlined Wednesday.

The ecological gas-electric vehicles, which can be recharged from a home electrical outlet, will target leasing customers, Toyota Motor Corp. said. Such plug-in hybrids can run longer as an electric vehicle than regular hybrids, and are cleaner.

Lithium-ion batteries, now common in laptops, produce more power and are smaller than nickel-metal hydride batteries used in hybrids now.

The joint venture that Toyota set up with Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., which makes Panasonic products, will begin producing lithium-ion batteries in 2009 and move into full-scale production in 2010, Toyota said.

Toyota also said it’s setting up a battery research department later this month to develop an innovative battery that can outperform even that lithium-ion battery…

Click here for the complete story

plug-in hybrid

McCain doesn’t know how to use a computer?

11 06 2008

Video at the Huffington Post…
