Lara Logan’s Thought Process – 23/

28 06 2008

Posted by Laurie Kilmartin
Click here for the original post




3 responses

9 07 2008


1 08 2008
Diana L. Morris

I found John McCain’s short list for Vp that was leaked to the Press 23/6 the room. And I now want to download it or a copy of it because I laughed so hard I hurt my sides and the website will not open. How can I get a copy of this list. It was obviously a joke and a good one at that. This was a hand written list. It is so funny. NOt too much now days make me laugh. Everytime I read number 12 I laughed so hard. Please find this list for me. I need to pull it out once a day to get my laugh.

Diana L. Morris
650 Henderson Drive PMB 36
Cartersville, Ga. 30120

2 08 2008

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