CBS News’ Lara Logan pregnant with Joe Burkett’s baby; couple will wed

8 07 2008

From The Huffington Post…

laraloganheliLara Logan is pregnant and will marry the father of her baby, Joe Burkett, the state department contractor whose marriage she was accused of destroying. Rumors swirled around Logan’s romantic life last month, including a love triangle involving CNN’s Michael Ware. Now, Logan has told the Washington Post‘s Howard Kurtz that she is expecting a baby and will marry Burkett “eventually” (presumably once their respective divorces are finalized)…

Click here for the full story



One response

9 07 2008

I really enjoy listening to Lara and found her very attractive; not just because she is pretty but because she has character and integrity.

I am disappointed that Lara is just like the rest of the traveling famous crowd. These people have very little integrity towards their family and other families. In regards to Lara, she is like the other women who disturb marriages. She has the right to see others since she is separated but she is the cause of Burkett’s breakup and he will definitely cheat on Lara too.

Lara needs to get her head out of her ass and realize that she is becoming Low Class.

What made me attracted to Lara was not just her looks but more about her character and integrity. Now I see she still has character but she has lost integrity. I thought she was a monogamous person and was not the fuck another person’s spouse type of slut.

Why can’t people who are away from home be monogamous?

I hope she will use her intelligence and stay single and stay away from men for now or ever. If she marries this guy, he will cheat on her and karma will come back to haunt her.

Lara you should pray, change your loose lifestyle and have respect for other people’s partners. You have a lot going for you and if you stick with this guy, the viewers eyes will only see you as a slut and not a great reporter you are.

It is time girl to close your legs and have integrity towards yourself, your body and to others. You will go a long way on this one. Stay single.

North Richland Hills, Texas

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