Atlanta Braves and Philadelphia Phillies in biggest MLB scandal of the decade

23 09 2008

By “J.B.” from Atlanta, GA
Click here for the original article

Sources have confirmed this week that a secret agreement was indeed forged between the two teams at the start of 2008. The underground alliance was supposed to go undetected all year but an unforeseen security leak led to an investigation that uncovered ellaborate details of a Philadelpia/Atlanta consipiracy. The plan had the Braves forfeiting all but two games to Philadelphia while doing everything in their power to stop, in particular, the late season insurgence of the New York Mets…

Click here for the full story

Changes are coming!

23 09 2008

Hey everyone– just a heads up that I am tinkering around with the design of this website and over the next few days you will probably see some things changing. I’ve started with changing the custom image header on the top of the page but that design will likely evolve within the next few days also. Leave feedback and let me know what you think!
