Our Environment: Florida’s Everglades in Peril as Restoration Lags, Costs Soar

29 09 2008

By Brian Skoloff
For the AP
Article found at Time.com

(WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.) — A multibillion-dollar effort to restore Florida’s Everglades has made little progress amid funding shortfalls, bureaucratic red tape and disagreements, according to a congressionally mandated report that warns the vast wetland is in peril.

The National Research Council, in findings Monday, warned that degradation of the Everglades could become irreversible if action isn’t taken quickly.

“The Everglades ecosystem is continuing to decline. It’s our estimate that we’re losing the battle to save this thing,” said William Graf, the report’s committee chairman and head of the department of geography at the University of South Carolina at Columbia.

The South Florida Water Management District, which oversees restoration for the state, said in a statement that it agrees with the report’s findings “that restoration progress is hampered by limited federal funding and a complex and lengthy federal planning process.”

Approved by Congress in 2000, the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan was originally estimated to cost about $7.8 billion and expected to take 30 years to complete — a price tag that has since ballooned due to construction costs and other inflation.

The intent is to help restore some natural water flow after decades of dikes and diversions for development and agriculture, which have shrunk the Everglades to half its historical 4 million acres.

The 2000 plan made the federal government and Florida 50-50 partners. To date, the state has committed more than $2 billion and pushed ahead alone with a few projects. Congress has only appropriated several hundred million dollars…

Click here for the full story

Photo by NASA (used under the Creative Commons license)

From PlunderGuide.com: Roll up USB drum set for the musician on the go!

29 09 2008

From PlunderGuide.com…

Practice Rock Band Skills on the Go

Perfect for beat makers or just plain Rock Band addicts, this Roll Up Drum Kit is a perfect gift. It comes with 70 preset percussion sounds, it simply plugs into your USB port and then can be easily rolled up and put in a drawer for safe keeping. $60.

Ron Paul on the Wall Street Bailout

29 09 2008

Again– I’m a clear Obama supporter but I like that Ron Paul is a no-nonsense politician. Check out what he had to say this morning on the floor of the House of Representatives just before the bailout went down in flames…