Hardcore liberal Mike Gravel defends hyper-conservative Sarah Palin?

1 10 2008
Photo from Mike Gravels personal blog

Photo from Mike Gravel's personal blog

I used to be a big supporter of former Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) during his bid for the presidency up to the point it was obvious he was not going to emerge as the Democrats’ presumptive nominee. He is a very passionate politician who is never afraid to tell it like it is, your feelings be damned! Today I got curious and wanted to know what connections, if any, existed between Mike Gravel and Sarah Palin since both of them were/are involved in Alaskan politics. I came across this interview on a website called 3Conservatives.com, who posted it with some hints of reverence.

From the article:

“…The hosts of the radio show clearly have an ideological bias and expect Senator Gravel to relish the opportunities to attack Palin that they so obviously attempt to provide. In fact, you can literally hear the shock in the hosts’ voices; they begin by presenting their questions as genuine and unbiased, but quickly show their true colors when Senator Gravel dares to disagree with them…”

I have to agree with the 3Conservatives people… this is a pretty biased interview, although it’s still great to hear Mike Gravel defy the regular conventions of modern politics. See for yourself– check out the video below and tell me what you think!



One response

2 10 2008

Give him a break. He is getting old.

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