Jackie O’s Brewpub featured in the new edition of Backdrop Magazine

19 02 2009

The Winter 08-09 edition of Backdrop Magazine just hit shelves today in Athens, Ohio. Pick up a copy TODAY! Meanwhile, check out this article about Jackie O’s from the recent edition!

By Will Strome
Backdrop Magazine

Brewmaster Brad B.C. Clark makes beer at Jackie Os Brewpub in Athens, Ohio.

Brewmaster Brad "B.C." Clark makes beer at Jackie O's Brewpub in Athens, Ohio.

Beer. Perhaps former syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry said it best, “Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.” It’s the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage known to man and I’ll be damned if that’s to change anytime soon. Is it bad to say that beer has been a bigger impact on my college experience than TI-83 calculators, measuring beakers and history text books combined? Not at all because I’m not alone! Beer is as vital to the college scene as professors and the ridiculous excuses for missing class we email to them. I Digress. Unlike most college towns, Athens is fortunate enough to have Jackie O’s Pub and Brewery that crafts 18 different types of beer with 11 to 13 on tap at all times. Jackie O’s is one of the few genuine and always welcoming bars in Athens, with remarkably talented and gifted brew master, Brad “BC” Clark, working behind the beer scene to help set Jackie O’s apart from all the other alcohol establishments Athens has to offer…

Click here for the full article



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