Who is Mike Tomlinson?

I am a Senior at Ohio University studying Public Relations Journalism in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism and working at a really cool brewpub in Athens, Ohio called Jackie O’s. I was a four year member and former director of Students Defending Students, a volunteer-based student organization at Ohio University dedicated to upholding students’ rights and advising students through the University Judiciaries process. My dream job is to be a media analyst and ultimately one day, an attorney.

My favorite movie is The Royal Tenenbaums.

My favorite bands are The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Lemon Jelly, DJ Cam, Beck, and many many others that I probably forgot to mention.

Click here to view my portfolio and résumé.

Who are you?

23 responses

6 05 2008
Mark Frericks

Great Job Mike! how much time do you have to invest in maintaining a site like this? How long does it take to set up? Quality Job! Uncle Mark

6 05 2008

it’s surprisingly easy– the blog is managed through wordpress.com and I bought the mike-tomlinson.com domain for $8. I’m always reading the news anyway so I figured I would post my favorite news stories and every once in a while throw in some commentary here and there. I’ll be updating the site regularly (meaning multiple times a day) so keep coming back and check out the new stuff that gets put up!

7 05 2008
Joe D'Ambrosio

mike! awesome site. i trust you’ll post the news worth reading

8 05 2008

awesome, indeed. i love it.

9 05 2008
Kyle Livingston

This is the greatest web site ever. period.

10 05 2008

making me proud

12 05 2008
Lisa Frericks

Michael … your blog is very impressive! It is clear you have learned a lot during your time at OU and are putting your communications skills and political opinions to good use. I always thought you looked a bit like George Clooney and your “Who is Mike Tomlinson” photo proves it. I’ve added this website to my favorites page and will check in frequently, promise!

13 05 2008
Helen Hoover Boyle

Your website screams AMERICAN DREAM, self worth and self preservation. Delete the system, broadcast yourself in a public sphere, all you need is that face and that ability. You have a keen eye for what is newsworthy and what is provocative for the American Mind. If this site isn’t overly popular in six months, I will eat a fist full of grass.
Much Love!

19 05 2008
Michael Albrecht

Hey Mike, sorry again for tryin to fight ur friend from another land. it was a big misunderstand.
thanks rob mart
you rule

3 06 2008
Mary Armeni

Hi Mike, I look forward to all your news….I’ll keep watching…so proud of you 🙂

16 06 2008
James Fleenor


Told you I would visit the site. Much to comment on – at a later date. Keep that faith (whatever it may be).

Jim out.

23 06 2008

george carlin

10 07 2008
Lauren Martin

Mike I am L-O-V-I-N-G this website I showed some people here in Boston your site they love it too!! YAY for Mike!!!

10 08 2008

get your break on

29 08 2008
Left-Eyed Jack

At the Scripps School of Journalism, is there a Code of Ethics put forth as a journalist’s standard to live by? If so, could you please send me a copy or a link to it? I may want to post it at my blog.


Left-Eyed Jack
Left Eye on the Media

12 09 2008

Mike, you’re on top of your game!!

17 09 2008

Good blogging Mike! How about Tina Fey? I would vote for her anyday.

5 10 2008

Great job! I started one for my family to help the in-laws stay up to date with pics of the house and dogs…I’ve been slacking ever since swim season started though.

24 12 2008
John Seyal

hey man, give credit where credit is due – i took that sexy picture of you, and i don’t see my name by it…

tryin’ to make a livin

23 01 2009
Matt Platt

I love Mike Tomlinson. OH and first comment of 09′ baby!!! Great job on your site man im proud of u!

24 01 2009

Mike Tomilson wanted me to make a webpage for him, but then he went ahead and used some gay template anyway. for shame mike!

24 01 2009

lol.. Lev the website I wanted you to make wasn’t for me, and besides, that was about 2 years ago man!! Crazy Russian……….

24 01 2009

lol yea i was kidding mang 🙂