Want info on this year’s SixFest?

13 03 2009

So do I…
My site stats aren’t lying– you all want info about Six Fest.

I have nothing for you. I’ve been in talks with the festival’s coordinator Dominic Petrozzi to give me some solid who/what/when/where info about Six Fest but no juice.. believe me I’ll post as much info as I can as soon as I get it…


sapiens(sapiens): by Kait Whistler

8 03 2009


From the Facebook event page for sapiens(sapiens):

Come to the opening of my thesis exhibition, showing two years of ongoing hard work preparing Grace and I for the theoretical apocalypse of 2012.

OPENING RECEPTION: Tuesday, March 10th 7-9:00pm
ARTIST’S GALLERY TALK:Wednesday, March 11th  3:00pm

If you’re trying to choose between the talk or the reception, the gallery talk is the important part. I am giving a 30 minute presentation (performance) and then being publicly critiqued/questioned by faculty and other attendees for the following 30 min. YIKES! I would really appreciate your support on Wednesday the 11th!

Both events are free and open to everyone. You are also welcome to visit the exhibit at any other time the gallery is open.

Trisolini Gallery
Ohio University Baker Center
Mon-Sat 10am – 4pm
Thurs 10am – 8pm

Did Matt Drudge not get the memo or is he just perpetuating a dead[ly] ideology?

2 03 2009

Matt Drudge at DrudgeReport.com is getting more and more unbelievable. This time he’s doing what he’s best at: FRAMING! Right now the issue at hand is global climate change– but don’t dare call it that in front of Matt– to him it’s still global warming! Any extreme and unusual cold weather should be completely written off. DUH! Come on Drudge, get with the program…

It’s global climate change
not just
global warming
global cooling


Sex, Drugs, and Backdrop: Winter Quarter Magazine Release Party at 19 South

6 02 2009

The geniuses at Backdrop Magazine are back at it again! To celebrate the premiere of their Winter issue, Backdrop Magazine is throwing a crazy party at 19 South in Athens, and believe me, if you were at the party last quarter you would KNOW to be at this one!!

Info from the Facebook event page:

Round two of the Backdrop Magazine Release party has arrived.
Come out to 19 South February 20th for some Sex, Drugs, & Backdrop.
We’ve got a stacked lineup starting at 8:30 that will continue rocking until 2:00 a.m.

Check out the new issue of Backdrop magazine, available Friday 2/20

Check out the new issue of Backdrop magazine, available Friday 2/20

Amish Electric Chair
Two EB
She Bears
Front Royal
Mind Fish

DJ Nig-Unit
Rapper Nig-Unit Featuring Notorious L.I.Z.
Self Help
D Jones

With comedian Matt Karp as MC

$3 over/$5 under

Sex, Drugs, & Backdrop–Live Dangerously…

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Backdrop as soon as they hit newsstands February 20th!

“The Brian Williams Tie Report”

6 02 2009

That’s right– the Brian Williams Tie Report. Saw it on Conan tonight and as a fellow tie-conscious Brian Williams fan, I couldn’t pass up the chance to spread the word about this rather highbrow blog.

Click this photo to visit the Brian Williams Tie Report blog

Click this photo to visit the Brian Williams Tie Report blog

Stolen Identity?

5 02 2009

My friend Kyle (over at TheMusicYouShouldHear) randomly found this ad online the other day and claims it’s me at age 30. Agree or disagree?


Check Out: The Music You Should Hear

31 01 2009

Hey everyone, check out this new blog started up by a bunch of my friends–


If you’re a big music appreciator, hit this site up often and listen to or watch some of the ridiculously awesome stuff they post!

Why is Swiss cheese holey?

26 01 2009

No, not holy, but holey. I started thinking about why Swiss cheese has holes and of course, Wikipedia came through for me like always. Here’s the explanation:

Swiss cheese is the generic name, in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, for several related varieties of cheese, all of which resemble the Swiss Emmental. Some types of Swiss cheese have a distinctive appearance, as the blocks of the cheese are riddled with holes known as “eyes”. Swiss cheese is known for its nutty, bittersweet taste.

Three types of bacteria are used in the production of Emmental cheese: Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus (L. helveticus or Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus), and Propionibacter (P. freudenreichii or P. shermani). In a late stage of cheese production, the Propionibacter consumes the lactic acid excreted by the other bacteria, and releases carbon dioxide gas, which slowly forms the bubbles that develop the eyes. Swiss cheese without eyes is known as “blind.”

In general, the larger the eyes in a Swiss cheese, the more pronounced its flavor; this is because the same conditions that lead to large eyes—longer aging or higher temperatures—also allow the bacteria and enzymes to produce a stronger flavor. This poses a problem for makers of pre-sliced Swiss cheese, the most popular category in the United States. Cheese with large eyes doesn’t slice well, sometimes coming apart in mechanical slicers. This costs time and money and is one reason why US manufacturers usually produce a product less aged and flavorful than imported cheeses of the same style.

Baby Swiss is another related cheese, often found in the US. Made by substituting water for the milk’s whey to slow bacterial action, baby Swiss cheese has smaller holes and a milder flavor. Baby Swiss is often made from whole milk.

Lacy Swiss is a further variety of US small hole Swiss cheese made with low fat milk

The Largest manufacturer of Swiss cheese in the world is Brewster Dairy, Located in Brewster, Ohio.

[information from Wikipedia]

What’s wrong with this headline?

23 01 2009

I am a big Obama supporter, that’s pretty obvious. But I take issue with the following headline on HuffingtonPost.com:


Bad taste… Ought we measure our Commanders-in-Chief through this lens?

Exposing Matt Drudge’s Lazy Journalism

22 01 2009

I used to be a huge fan of DrudgeReport.com… but ever since it was clear that Obama was going to be our next president (I peg that to be sometime mid-October), Drudge has taken a hard turn to the “right”. Here’s a shining example. Last night, Matt Drudge ran the following headline vis a vis Nielsen television ratings for presidential inaugurations:

REAGAN BEATS OBAMA: 41,800,260 to 37,793,008…

These numbers are accurate— yet they leave out an absolutely essential viewership component of the 21st century. Online viewers.

Just in this one YouTube video of Obama’s inauguration, there are over 2.4 million hits. Add that to Obama’s original total and he’s almost a million viewers away from beating Reagan’s inauguration. And given the varying lengths, quality, and sheer number of Obama inauguration videos, I feel confident in assuming in this digital era that easily more than 2 million people watched Obama’s inauguration online in some capacity.

Come on Drudge… what happened to you? Don’t make me set my homepage to HuffingtonPost.com…