I’m in love with CNN’s Campbell Brown

30 10 2008
Image from TampaBay.com

Image from TampaBay.com

Be sure to catch Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull weeknights at 8 p.m. on CNN!

The Lesson: Don’t Steal Yard Signs

25 10 2008

60 Minutes’ resident senile old man Andy Rooney hates how expensive things are… (big surprise!)

13 10 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Rabble rabble I’m an old man, everything’s more expensive than it used to be, rabble rabble rabble!!!

I remember when a loaf of bread used to cost a quarter!!

Normally I love Andy Rooney, but lately he’s becoming more like Looney Rooney. Yeah I just said Looney Rooney. I hope it sticks.

Still love ya though, Andy..

Pre-Debate Photo of Barack Obama

28 09 2008

This just hit the Digg.com front page…

Democratic Presidential Nominee, Senator Barack Obama participates in the first presidential debate with Senator McCain at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, MS on Friday, September 26, 2008.

(David Katz/Obama for America)

Experimenting with Photoshop Layers

22 09 2008

Just felt like posting this for the heck of it. I’m taking a class at Ohio University called Graphics and Audiences (JOUR 338) and we’re learning about Photoshop layers/effects. I made this in about 10 minutes toward the end of my last class:

I wanted to juxtapose tanks shooting something other than ammunition, so I made them shoot fish.

Below is my homework, where we had to take nine of the same object and apply different effects to each of them. It’s not much to look at– I mean it meets the general requirements for the assignment– but I like it nonetheless:

Any critiques/comments from some Photoshop gurus out there? Your constructive criticism is always appreciated!


Hey! Look what came in the mail…

17 09 2008

Russian people protest the Kremlin’s attempt to ban ‘South Park’

13 09 2008

From Lenta.ru…

Random Photo Drop

11 09 2008

Orthodera ministralis – Australian Green Mantis
Melbourne, Australia
photograph © Alex Wild 2006

A young mantis cleans pollen grains from her foreleg by running the leg through her mouthparts.

Repeat after me…

27 08 2008

Graffiti on Philip St, Bedminster, Bristol, UK (opposite Windmill City Farm)

Is Biden camera-readying himself? Just wondering…

22 08 2008

From the Associated Press

By “…Biden had a family gathering at his home Thursday afternoon, with his wife Jill, niece Missy Owens and son Beau, Delaware’s attorney general, coming and going past reporters staked outside. Biden ran errands, including a visit to the dentist, but didn’t speak to the media as he came and went…”

And I’ll throw this one in there too:

From the New York Times Op-Ed Page
David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist

“Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden.”

This is really worth reading! It lists very good reasons why Biden is the best VP choice for Obama.

P.S., today I went to the Obama for President rally at Florida Atlantic University featuring Sen. Hillary Clinton. Pictures will be posted as soon as I can get them off my camera (which will probably be Monday night). If I learned anything, it’s that there are still plenty of people (i.e. PUMA) trying to make sure that there isn’t party unity unless HRC is the presidential candidate…

Gonna need that to stop right now, people… mmkay?