Project Vote Smart


From the PVS website:

The Voter’s Self-Defense System

Every candidate and elected official from President to local government can be easily and instantly accessed through the:

Vote Smart’s Website:


Voter’s Research Hotline: 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762)

Voting Records — Compare what your representatives said during the campaign with how they actually voted on the record.

Biographical & Contact Information — From their previous professions, education, families, organizational membership to their latest e-mail address, we gather it all.

Issue Positions (Political Courage Test) — We test thousands of candidates for President, Congress, Governor and State Legislature with our Political Courage Test. The test accurately measures a candidate’s willingness to provide voters with their positions on the issues they will most likely face if elected to represent you.

Interest Group Ratings — Over 150 competing special interest groups, from conservative to liberal, evaluate your representatives. Look at what they say.

Public Statements — The Project constantly collects speeches and public comments of the president, governors, and congressional representatives. Just type in a word, say; ‘immigration’ and all public utterances containing the word ‘immigration’ will appear. Compare what they said while campaigning in California a few years ago to what they are saying now in New Hampshire.

Campaign Finances — How much money did your representatives raise and from whom? Just follow the money and then follow the votes.

Judicial Branch — Nominated, appointed, and elected judges and justices, we collect everything that is available on all of them.

CongressTrack — Need to know the status of key legislation, a copy of it, or what the key components are? We can help.

Publications — Free to all citizens — order your Voter’s Self-Defense Manual, an 80-page report on your congressional delegation. The Reporter’s Source Book is available to all working journalists and Project members. A video, which describes what the Project does, how we do it, and how you can use it, is also available.

Voter Registration — We have voter registration forms, absentee ballots, and election schedules for each state.

Polling Places — We have contact information for your local election office, which can direct you to your voting location.

Ballot Measures — Descriptions of ballot measures for every state, including complete text, sponsors, and election results.

State Resources — Including state government contacts, leadership, media sources, political parties, think tanks, maps, and demographics.

Other Political Resources — Including US Government 101, national media, think tanks, political parties, polling sources, and political trivia.

Intern or Volunteer — The Project’s research center is located in an extraordinary beautiful wilderness as a way of saying ‘thank you’ to those willing to come and help us do this difficult but crucial research.