What is Drudge REALLY trying to tell us?

7 04 2009

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Main Headline: Apocalyptic
Column One: Obama expresses deep appreciation for the Islamic faith [=antichrist]
Column Two: Natural disasters framed as seismic apocalyptic events [because volcanoes and earthquakes never happened under any other president’s watch..]
Column Three: One rich American says the American dollar is probably no longer going to be the world standard in currency, leading the sheeple to believe Obama wants one world currency [a biblical sign of the shmapocalypse]

What does it all mean?

According to the top stories posted on DrudgeReport.com right now, I guess I’m supposed to believe Barack Obama is the antichrist who will bring the apocalypse, who is an Islamic fundamentalist who wants to do everything wrong to America that he can…


If Obama gets assassinated ( I REALLY REALLY hope he does NOT ever ever EVER), I put full blame on people like Matt Drudge for adding fuel to the idiots’ ignorant anger who will end up causing it– NOT because of the type of news Drudge chose to cover– but because of the order in which it has been presented to the viewer. Remember: it’s not just what you say, it’s HOW you say it…

sapiens(sapiens): by Kait Whistler

8 03 2009


From the Facebook event page for sapiens(sapiens):

Come to the opening of my thesis exhibition, showing two years of ongoing hard work preparing Grace and I for the theoretical apocalypse of 2012.

OPENING RECEPTION: Tuesday, March 10th 7-9:00pm
ARTIST’S GALLERY TALK:Wednesday, March 11th  3:00pm

If you’re trying to choose between the talk or the reception, the gallery talk is the important part. I am giving a 30 minute presentation (performance) and then being publicly critiqued/questioned by faculty and other attendees for the following 30 min. YIKES! I would really appreciate your support on Wednesday the 11th!

Both events are free and open to everyone. You are also welcome to visit the exhibit at any other time the gallery is open.

Trisolini Gallery
Ohio University Baker Center
Mon-Sat 10am – 4pm
Thurs 10am – 8pm