Jackie O’s Brewpub featured in the new edition of Backdrop Magazine

19 02 2009

The Winter 08-09 edition of Backdrop Magazine just hit shelves today in Athens, Ohio. Pick up a copy TODAY! Meanwhile, check out this article about Jackie O’s from the recent edition!

By Will Strome
Backdrop Magazine

Brewmaster Brad B.C. Clark makes beer at Jackie Os Brewpub in Athens, Ohio.

Brewmaster Brad "B.C." Clark makes beer at Jackie O's Brewpub in Athens, Ohio.

Beer. Perhaps former syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry said it best, “Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.” It’s the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage known to man and I’ll be damned if that’s to change anytime soon. Is it bad to say that beer has been a bigger impact on my college experience than TI-83 calculators, measuring beakers and history text books combined? Not at all because I’m not alone! Beer is as vital to the college scene as professors and the ridiculous excuses for missing class we email to them. I Digress. Unlike most college towns, Athens is fortunate enough to have Jackie O’s Pub and Brewery that crafts 18 different types of beer with 11 to 13 on tap at all times. Jackie O’s is one of the few genuine and always welcoming bars in Athens, with remarkably talented and gifted brew master, Brad “BC” Clark, working behind the beer scene to help set Jackie O’s apart from all the other alcohol establishments Athens has to offer…

Click here for the full article

Photography by Yanina Manolova

29 11 2008

Everyone check out this website with photography by my VisCom friend Yanina Manolova from Ohio University– she’s a fantastic photographer who has won many awards! Her site has some amazing shots, my favorite is the one featured below…

A 102-year old deaf woman, rests on the balcony of her apartment in Havana, Cuba. Photo by Yanina Manolova.

A 102-year old deaf woman, rests on the balcony of her apartment in Havana, Cuba. Photo by Yanina Manolova.

Athens 2008 Halloween Celebration!

3 11 2008

Hey everyone, here are some pictures from the 2008 Athens Halloween– click on the images for hi-res versions!
Also check out:
The Post’s article by Jessie Balmert about this year’s Halloween…
…or this one by Elizabeth Lundblad that critiques the celebration!

There were 54 people arrested (12 were Ohio University students). There were 34 arrests last year and 79 in 2006…

Court Street just before the celebration

Court Street just before the celebration

Court Street in the other direction

Court Street in the other direction

Halloween revelers enjoying the celebration from the Courtside Apartments stairway

Halloween revelers enjoying the celebration from the Courtside Apartments stairway

View from the main stage at Court Street and Union Street

View from the main stage at Court Street and Union Street

View of the Court Street/State Street intersection

View of the Court Street/State Street intersection

Vote for Athens’ own Dante Carter to be on the new season of The Real World!

27 10 2008
Vote for Dante!

Vote for Dante! (Pictured at far right)

Hey everyone, vote for my friend Dante Carter to be on the new season of MTV’s Real World! He’s a really great guy, and remember, you can vote once every 24 hours so vote vote vote!

Click here to vote for Dante!

Backdrop Magazine drops October 24!

19 10 2008

This Friday, pick up the all new issue of Backdrop Magazine— Ohio University’s premiere fashion, arts, entertainment and culture magazine!!

Catch the editor-in-chief, publisher and photo editor making celebrity appearances on Real Time with Ryan Real, Athens’ channel 25 at 8 p.m. anytime this week! They will also be making an appearance on ACRN (All-Campus Radio Network) on Friday evening, promoting the Backdrop release party which is Saturday, October 25th, 10 p.m. at 19 South. DJ Sills of Oh Snat! It’s an Interview Show! will be interviewing Octoberfist and the Red Army who will be performing at the event. Other acts at the release party include DJ An-log, Nig Unit, Jesty Beatz and Grade School!

Make sure you pick up a copy of Backdrop Magazine this Friday and hit up the official release party Saturday night at 19 South!

Backdrop Magazine Release Party event page
Become a fan of Backdrop Magazine on Facebook

Delaware city police will patrol, learn at the Athens/OU Halloween bash

17 10 2008

By Matt Gerish
Click here for the original article

Delaware city police will head back to school next month following the Monday, Oct. 13 approval of a mutual-aid agreement with Ohio University police.

During its Oct. 13 meeting, Delaware City Council approved an agreement to allow Delaware city police to join forces with OU police officers.

The university’s police department invited Delaware police to join them on bike patrol during the annual Halloween Block Party in Athens.

Delaware Police Chief Russ Martin said large annual events in Delaware such as the Little Brown Jug are creating a need for better crowd control.

Martin said more on-the-job training is needed to continue to develop the skills and tactics necessary to deal with the issues associated with such large events.

Although not a school-sanctioned event, Athens and Ohio University receive thousands of out-of-town visitors every year who join the party on the city’s main drag.

“We just think it’s an opportunity for our officers to get some real good experience down there,” Martin said.

Martin will send five Delaware police officers to Athens for the Nov. 1 event.

The officers will pair up with an Ohio University police officer to patrol the crowds on bike.

“It’s a little out of the ordinary. We know it’s not a neighboring community,” Martin said. “It very well could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We’ll just see how this goes.”

Martin said the Ohio University Police Department will pay Delaware back by providing its nationally certified bike instructor for Delaware’s 2009 bike training school at no cost…

Click here for the full story

From the CQ Weekly: PR Executives Challenge Candidates To Be Ethical

1 10 2008

I was browsing this week’s Congressional Quarterly [CQ] weekly newsletter when I came across this interesting article. You can rest assured that if I come across an article about public relations that mentions Tim Russert (may he rest in peace) and Barack Obama, I’m posting it.

I wonder if it is “ethical” of me to post this entire article? Good thing tomorrow is SCRIPPS DAY at Ohio University, where a host of topics will be discussed by several panels of notorious journalists, professors, and mass communication professionals. One such panel is being hosted by my professor of media ethics, Bernhard Debatin. His panel discussion is “Blogging: Are Individual Voices Enriching or Devaluing the Landscape?” and the keynote speaker is E.W. Scripps Company CEO and President Rich Boehneso, who will commemorate the 20th year of the E.W. Scripps/Ohio University relationship. Try to make it if you can!

The aforementioned article (thaaank youuuu Ohio University Libraries’ InfoTree!):

By Shawn Zeller, CQ Staff
Click here for the original article
(may require registration)

They are called flacks and spin doctors, and it’s usually not meant in a nice way. So it seemed a bit ironic last month when the Public Relations Society of America, which represents 32,000 PR people around the country, sent letters to the Obama and McCain campaigns urging them to avoid “innuendo, incomplete information, surrogate messaging and character attacks” between now and Election Day.

That irony is the point, says Jeffrey Julin, a Denver-based public relations executive who is chairman of the PR association.

“We understand that there are lots of people who think that public relations is spinning and manipulation of information,” he said. “We’re saying that’s not the kind of public relations we practice or promote. Messaging is an important thing to do, but in a respectful way that is accurate.”

Julin says he initially got the idea to challenge the campaigns last fall, when the now-deceased host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Tim Russert, spoke at a society conference in Philadelphia and said that American voters deserve a “more respectful discourse” during election campaigns. The society then launched a networking group on the Facebook Web site called “Clean & Fair Campaign 2008,” which now has more than 2,200 members.

But earlier this year, when GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois promised a new kind of political campaign — and seemed quite sincere about it — Julin thought his plan to challenge them to conduct a more upright dialogue would prove unnecessary.

It didn’t turn out that way, though. Since the Republican and Democratic conventions this summer, Julin says, “We’ve slipped back into business as usual,” with both campaigns slinging charges only loosely tied to reality.

The society’s letters in August to the communications directors for the McCain and Obama campaigns, Jill Hazelbaker and Robert Gibbs respectively, challenge both to sign the society’s code of ethics, which commits members to the “highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public.”

As yet, Julin says, neither campaign has responded.

Zeller, Shawn. “PR Executives Challenge Candidates To Be Ethical.” CQ Weekly Online
(September 29, 2008): 2552-2552.
(accessed October 1, 2008).

Mister Got Heat sticker giveaway!

27 09 2008

That’s right everyone– Athens’ best band ‘Mister Got Heat’ rocked three shows over the past week in Athens, Ohio. According to my sources. Mister Got Heat will be playing at this year’s Halloween celebrations on Court Street! Yes!

As a result of this awesome news, the first five people to send me their mailing address contact info will receive a free Mister Got Heat sticker within the next 7 business days!

Check out their main website, www.MisterGotHeat.com, for some music samples or check out their next show.. more info will follow!

Click here for Mister Got Heat’s MySpace Music Page
Click here for Mister Got Heat’s Facebook Fan Page

Photo from The Ohio University Post

An Athenian genius: Patrick McCourt and midevil.us

24 09 2008

That’s right people… you can’t contain those prodigal Ohio University graphic design/video production students. Check out the website for my friend Patrick McCourt and his brand, midevil.us!

You can usually catch Patty M at Jackie O’s Irish Pub and Brewery where he works (and is known to imbibe the native spirits of Athens)… If you see him, buy him a drink (it was his birthday last weekend) and give him props for his kick-ass photos/designs!

Oh yeah… and while you’re at it… get DIALED.

Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and Sen. Sherrod Brown coming to Athens this Friday

17 09 2008

You heard right. This Friday the Ohio University College Democrats and Students for Barack Obama will be hosting Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Senator Sherrod Brown for a rally!

Date: Friday, Spetember 19, 2008
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Location: Wilhelm Amphitheater behind the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University in good ol’ Athens, OH.

Click here for the Facebook event group link

Ohio University Students for Barack Obama

Ohio College Democrats   Website |||  Facebook Group