Kobe, LeBron: Mutual Respect (ESPN)

10 02 2009

Vodpod videos no longer available.

10-Year-Old Reporter Damon Weaver Gets His Credentials

13 01 2009

You might remember 5th grader Damon Weaver from this story that came out in late October, before the presidential election: http://mike-tomlinson.com/2008/10/26/5th-grader-damon-weaver-asks-biden-what-a-vice-president-does/

Well he’s back, and he’s got credentials! Check out the article at HuffingtonPost.com…

Bowling lobby lobbying hard to convince Obama to keep White House bowling alley

21 12 2008

Although Barack Obama has made several statements indicating he wants to replace the White House bowling lobby with an indoor basketball court. This article from the Wall Street Journal talks about the efforts to both keep and get rid of the White House bowling alley, and has some interesting quotes and photos…

A rendering of the bowling industrys proposed refurbishing of the White House lane. Image property of Bowlers Proprietors Association of America

A rendering of the bowling industry's proposed refurbishing of the White House lane. Image property of Bowlers' Proprietors Association of America