David Allen Grier’s “Chocolate News” to pick up where “Chappelle’s Show” left off?

12 10 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available.

In case you couldn’t tell, Comedy Central is hyping up David Allen Grier’s new comedy show “Chocolate News” to an obscene degree… but will it be good?

From what I’ve seen, I predict it WILL be. Comedy Central has been a little disappointing lately with its original programming (except for the Sarah Silverman Program which I love). The worst decision they ever made was replacing Chappelle’s Show with Mind of Mencia– don’t even get me started on how worthless Mencia is as a comedian– but I think D.A.G.’s new show is Comedy Central’s own way of saying they screwed up and are finally giving us what we want: quality social and political commentary from an experienced and hilarious comedic professional. I don’t think Grier will disappoint. Catch the premiere of his new show “Chocolate News” this Wednesday at 10:30 p.m. on Comedy Central!!

Below is a link to the full audio of an old Loveline radio episode back when it was good and hosted by Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. David Allen Grier is the guest and this is by far one of the best radio show episodes I have ever heard. Once you listen, you’ll understand why and how D.A.G.’s new show will be hilarious:

Loveline Radio – April 16, 2006 – Guest: David Allen Grier
Runtime 1:31:52

P.S.: Did you know that David Allen Grier’s birthday is June 30, 1955– making him 53 years old! It’s been a LONG time since “In Living Color”, people…

Audio originally provided for free by LovelineArchive.com until they closed down Oct. 5

John McCain’s conversation with Dave Chappelle

4 10 2008

I am posting this under one condition– if you listen to this audio, you *MUST* click on this link to support the people who actually made it! I know that by me posting this I am probably violating some laws [can I plead the “enrichment of the public” clause?] but I love Lee Camp from 23/6 (236.com) and this is too good to stop.

Seriously, if you liked the audio, check out 236.com and Lee Camp’s other stuff. He’s a comedic genius!