The Cincinnati Labyrinth Project

5 12 2008

Everyone check out this project my friend Sergey Kahn is working on— it’s really cool! The aim of the project is to sell the Cincinnati Bengals and Paul Brown Stadium and convert the property into a giant stone labyrinth. Here’s an excerpt from the site:

The labyrinth has long stood as a powerful symbol for the tortuous duality of the human predicament. On the one hand, the labyrinth represents the delusion and entrapment that man is condemned to wander. Preeminent labyrinthologist Phillip Ambrose Walker, in his seminal work Finding the Center: The Legends and Legacies of Labyrinths, has described the structure as “embodying man’s fundamental state of being lost.” On the other hand, the labyrinth expresses man’s ongoing pilgrimage towards meaning, discovery, and order. Contemporary labyrinth theorist Stephon Crete has described the labyrinth as “charged with a salvific magnetism on the order of man’s most alluring archetypes of redemption.”

In keeping with the rich, storied, and conflicting meanings of the labyrinth, we here at the Cincinnati Labyrinth Project believe that the labyrinth can serve as powerful symbol for our own more recent and more regional predicament: the delusion and entrapment we face in the Cincinnati Bengals…

Click here to check out the project’s official website and if whether you live in the Cincinnati area or not, show them some love for this unique art project!