Did Matt Drudge not get the memo or is he just perpetuating a dead[ly] ideology?

2 03 2009

Matt Drudge at DrudgeReport.com is getting more and more unbelievable. This time he’s doing what he’s best at: FRAMING! Right now the issue at hand is global climate change– but don’t dare call it that in front of Matt– to him it’s still global warming! Any extreme and unusual cold weather should be completely written off. DUH! Come on Drudge, get with the program…

It’s global climate change
not just
global warming
global cooling


American Spies Say that Global Warming Will Contribute to International Political Instability, Terrorist Safe-Havens

24 06 2008

By Noah Shachtman
June 23, 2008
Click here for the original article

Environmental groups have been warning for years that tense parts of the world could get even worse with the advent of global climate change, and even spark whole new conflicts. Now, the nation’s spies are saying pretty much the same thing.

The U.S. intelligence community has finished up its classified assessment of how our changing weather patterns could contribute to “political instability around the world, the collapse of governments and the creation of terrorist safe havens,” Inside Defense reports. Congress was briefed on the report last week. And on Wednesday, leading spies — including National Intelligence Council chairman Dr. Thomas Fingar and Energy Department intelligence chief Rolf Mowatt-Larsen — will testify on the Hill about the 58-page document, “The National Security Implications of Global Climate Change Through 2030.”

Click here to read the rest of the article