Wes Anderson American Express credit card commercial

14 09 2008

Probably the best commercial I have ever seen on television. You will only understand it if you know and appreciate the work of Wes Anderson. He directed Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and The Darjeeling Limited. He has a very unique style of telling stories and if you liked any of those movies, you’ll love this commercial.

New 2008 Olympics Commercial About Derek Redmond.. Best Commercial Ever.

24 06 2008

This is quite possibly the best Olympic commercial I have ever seen– and narrated by Morgan Freeman? Come on!! SO GOOD… Sorry the video’s not very good quality, you can visit the Visa website and watch it there in good quality but they don’t let you embed it.

Here’s a 3 minute documentary about the incident, produced by BBC Sports:

Click here to see Derek Redmond’s Wikipedia article