Historic for all the right reasons

5 11 2008

A letter from Governor David Paterson (D-NY):

I suspect that by the time that you’re reading this, you’ve heard the word historic used more times than you can count.

I’d like to use it once more, but perhaps not for the reason that you might think.

The election of Barack Obama as our 44th president was not just historic for reasons of race, voter turnout, or even for the overwhelming and indisputable rejection of a conservative ideology that for eight long years has led America down a path of fiscal recklessness, social division, and increasing instability both at home and abroad.

The election was, of course, all of those things; but, to me, Barack Obama’s win was historic for an entirely different reason.

Last night, Americans rejected the politics of cheap rhetoric, distracting attacks, and exclusionary patriotism in favor of honest discussion, clear priorities, and a dedication to finding real solutions.

That is truly historic.

For the first time in a long time, I believe that America has a president who is ready to confront the difficult challenges before us in a way that is serious, responsible, and dignified.

For the first time in a long time, I believe that America has a president who will focus on the real issues, discuss real solutions, and make a real impact for families across this country.

For the first time in a long time, I believe that America has a president who is ready for an honest dialogue about the problems that we face and who will level with the American people about what needs to be done to address them.

And for the first time in a long time, I believe that America has a president who acknowledges that there are no easy answers to the challenges of the 21st Century, but that answers do exist when we are willing to work together to find them.

The election of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as well as the Democrat take-over of the New York State Senate, provides a historic opportunity to begin a new chapter in American governance; a chapter where solutions matter more than who gets the credit, where results matter more than just winning re-election, and where the truth matters more than political pandering.

I am, by nature, an optimist who believes that our best days are ahead of us. I believe that despite our current obstacles we will see the glory of the Empire State restored.

But these serious issues require serious and responsible governance. For the first time in a long time, I believe that we have a partner in the White House who is ready to meet these challenges.

Historic, indeed.

Governor David A. Paterson

My 2016 Presidential Candidate: Governor David Paterson (D-NY)

7 10 2008
I have a weird ability to accurately pick future presidential candidates– and if I were a betting man, I’d bet on seeing NY Democratic Governor David Paterson in the national political sphere by the 2016 election (after Obama’s eight-year term, of course)…
My 2016 Campaign Masthead for David Paterson

My 2016 Campaign Masthead for David Paterson

By Sam Stein
Click here for the original article

New York Gov. David Paterson formally declared, on Monday afternoon, his intention to seek reelection to the governor’s chair in 2010.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Paterson described his desire to see his state through its current economic crisis as well as his interest in actually steering a term in office from its onset.

“I’d like to run for reelection and serve as governor as a full term, have an actual transition period and a real inauguration,” he said. “I see this as an immense challenge, and one that most people think is insurmountable with the number of people leaving New York state. And if in any way it would have been viewed that I did something to ameliorate the problems…and brought people back, I would think that would be a satisfaction that I carried with me for the rest of my life.”

Click here for the full story
Click here for Gov. Paterson’s entry at Project Vote Smart

Below is the video of Gov. Paterson’s swearing-in ceremony from March of this year. Talk about inspirational! Not only is he blind– but because he’s blind, he has to memorize all of his speeches. No politician can deliver like he does! Check it out for yourself:

The 2016 Candidate?

4 08 2008

Gov. David Paterson, D-NY

Click here to see Gov. Paterson’s Vote Smart entry…

Current Office: Governor
First Appointed: 03/17/2008
Last Appointed: 2008
Party: Democratic
Gender: Male
Family: Wife: Michelle Paige
2 Children: Alexander, Ashley.
Birth Date: 05/20/1954
Birthplace: Long Island, NY
Home City: New York City, NY

JD, Hofstra Law School, 1982
BA, History, Columbia University, 1977.

Professional Experience:
Assistant Grants Officer, Bronx Community College
Assistant District Attorney, Criminal Investigator
Fair Housing Director, Mid-Manhattan Branch National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Political Experience:
Governor, State of New York, 2008-present
Assumed Office of Governor upon Governor’s Resignation, 2008
Lieutenant Governor, State of New York, 2007-2008
Minority Leader, New York State Senate, 2003-2007
Senator, New York State Senate, 1985-present
Deputy Minority Leader, New York State Senate.

Member, Achilles Track Club Board
Member, American Foundation for the Blind
Member, Harlem Urban Development Corporation
Member. Jewish Guild for the Blind
Member, Mil-Gar Home Care Service Programs and Mobilization for Survival
Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Board.

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees:
Member, Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Board
Member, Democratic National Committee.

Governor David Paterson swearing into office 3.17.08 (WORTH WATCHING– 10 mins):