Best Digg comment that summarizes the 2008 election run-up

10 09 2008

From this story…

McCain refers to Hilary’s Plan as “Putting Lipstick on a Pig — John McCain in Iowa on 10/11/2007 referring to Hillary Clinton’s health care plan as putting “lipstick on the pig, but it’s still a pig”


Comment from the user apothekari:

“Gas 3.00 a gallon.
Inflation rising.
Millions of Americans losing their homes.
A War 6 years on with no end in sight.{we may be pulling down from Iraq but the troops are moving to Afghanistan}
Corruption at every level of the judiciary.
Jobs disappearing at record levels.
Banks collapsing.
Our standing in the world at historically low levels.
Our once great relationship with a newly democratic Russia disintegrating as we speak
And MANY MANY more challenges await us.
And the Republicans are focusing on NOTHING but stupid shit.
Complete and utter fluff.
And the media runs right the f*** along.
This country is f******* doomed.”


I don’t necessarily think the country is doomed…….yet.
Please vote Obama/Biden.