Even the U.N. wants Barack Obama

26 10 2008

By Colum Lynch
for the Washington Post
Click here for the original article

UNITED NATIONS — There are no “Obama 2008” buttons, banners or T-shirts visible here at U.N. headquarters, but it might be difficult to find a sliver of territory in the United States more enthusiastic over the prospect of the Illinois senator winning the White House.

An informal survey of more than two dozen U.N. staff members and foreign delegates showed that the overwhelming majority would prefer that Sen. Barack Obama win the presidency, saying they think that the Democrat would usher in a new agenda of multilateralism after an era marked by Republican disdain for the world body.

Obama supporters hail from Russia, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Indonesia and elsewhere. One American employee here seemed puzzled that he was being asked whether Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was even a consideration. “Obama was and is unstoppable,” the official said. “Please, God, let him win,” he added…

Click here for the full article

Radiohead’s eco-friendly challenge goes bust

19 06 2008

From TheSun.co.uk
June 17, 2008
Click here for the original article

yorkeRadiohead were left with a raft of empty seats at a recent French gig after a ticket giveaway proved a dismal failure.

The egghead rockers, known for their right-on eco credentials, came up with a potty ploy to test our Continental cousins’ commitment to green issues.

And they were roundly ignored for their troubles.

Singer THOM YORKE and his gang announced that 50 passes were up for grabs for their show at Paris’s 17,000-capacity Bercy Arena and would be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The only snag was that punters would have to collect them by BICYCLE from record label XL’s Paris office.

But, in the land of the 2CV, our French friends were less than keen on the eco-friendly stunt and XL were left with an ecologically unsound 35 unclaimed tickets on their hands.

That’s the branch of one tree wasted.

A source said: “Radiohead are using their current world tour to highlight their commitment to green issues.

“They advise all gig-goers to use public transport and are doing all they can to make their carbon footprint as small as possible.

“Unfortunately the French didn’t appear to share their noble intentions and roundly ignored the free ticket tactic.”

The stunt may have flopped but I admire the stand the band are taking on the environment.

Clearly, if we all keep going at the current rate there’ll only be Fake Plastic Trees left…