Card counting iPhone app has casinos on alert

16 02 2009

From the Associated Press…

LAS VEGAS — Nevada gambling regulators have warned casinos about a card-counting program for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch that can illegally help players beat the house in blackjack.

Card counting by players is not illegal in Nevada but using a device to count cards is considered a felony.

The Nevada Gaming Control Board warned casinos of the program last week.

Nevada learned of the program from California gambling regulators who said officials at an Indian casino found customers using it…

Click here for the full story

Conceptual images of the new touch screen Apple “Brick” tablet

30 09 2008

I was browsing around Digg today and came across some artistic interpretations of what the new Apple “Brick” (working title) will look like (from I’m very impressed! Check it out: Looks pretty sweet! Do you think we can expect these out by the holiday season?

Image from

Applewikigooglepod: The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy is finally HERE!

26 08 2008


A new school year is about to start and students nationwide will be clamoring for ways to keep up with their school work. With many schools starting to offer free iPod Touches, iPhones, and laptops, the iTunes App Store will be one of the first places to go for back-to-school apps.

The new school year also means that research via Wikipedia is going to be on the rise. Fortunately for those with iPhones and iPod Touches, they can now access Wikipedia anywhere while on the go with Wikipanion from the iTunes App Store…

Click here for the full story

Can the NSA hear me now? …Good.

12 07 2008

Cool new iPhone application lets you see photos taken near your current location

11 07 2008


That’s right– your iPhone automatically knows your location via GPS, and allows you to see photos other people have taken at or around that location (I’m guessing they have to have enabled photo sharing for this to work, but still very cool!)