Is Biden camera-readying himself? Just wondering…

22 08 2008

From the Associated Press

By “…Biden had a family gathering at his home Thursday afternoon, with his wife Jill, niece Missy Owens and son Beau, Delaware’s attorney general, coming and going past reporters staked outside. Biden ran errands, including a visit to the dentist, but didn’t speak to the media as he came and went…”

And I’ll throw this one in there too:

From the New York Times Op-Ed Page
David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist

“Barack Obama has decided upon a vice-presidential running mate. And while I don’t know who it is as I write, for the good of the country, I hope he picked Joe Biden.”

This is really worth reading! It lists very good reasons why Biden is the best VP choice for Obama.

P.S., today I went to the Obama for President rally at Florida Atlantic University featuring Sen. Hillary Clinton. Pictures will be posted as soon as I can get them off my camera (which will probably be Monday night). If I learned anything, it’s that there are still plenty of people (i.e. PUMA) trying to make sure that there isn’t party unity unless HRC is the presidential candidate…

Gonna need that to stop right now, people… mmkay?

Please please please please please PLEASE!

18 08 2008


From the CNN Political Ticker…

(CNN) – When Joe Biden returns to Capitol Hill Monday from his two-day trip to embattled Georgia, vice presidential speculation will rest squarely on him.

The longtime Delaware senator and former presidential candidate has long been considered to be on the shortlist for Barack Obama’s running mate, but his quickly-planned trip to Georgia Saturday night at the behest of that country’s president left Washington buzzing he is the most likely choice.

Watch: Will it be Biden?

After all, the Georgia crisis appears to have put national security issues again at the forefront of the presidential campaign, and it’s an issue where John McCain has long held the advantage over Obama. The Illinois senator, so the Beltway chatter goes, needs a running-mate with foreign policy experience now more than ever.

If Biden does aspire to be on the Democratic presidential ticket, the trip couldn’t have come at a better time — reinforcing his lengthy resume on matters of foreign policy and reminding voters, and Obama, he is well respected by foreign leaders half a world away.

The trip also comes days before Obama is expected to reveal his VP choice — with only days remaining until the Democratic convention, the choice is expected to come this week.

CNN Political Market: Biden’s stock on the rise

But of course Biden suggested before he left Saturday he isn’t making the trip for political reasons.
“I am going to Georgia this weekend to get the facts first-hand and to show my support for Georgia’s people and its democratically-elected government,” he said in a statement. “I look forward to reporting to my colleagues in the Senate and on the Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the Administration, about what I learn.”

He may have one or two conversations with his colleague from Illinois too.

New information regarding Obama’s potential Vice Presidential pick

13 06 2008

June 10, 2008
Click here for the original story


From NBC’s Chuck Todd and Domenico Montanaro:

So you think you know who’s on Obama’s veep short list? Well, think again. According to sources on the Hill, Obama veep vetters — specifically Jim Johnson and Eric Holder — have been asking Dem members of Congress this week their input about potential running mates. The conversations are free-flowing but one name the vetters are inserting in the conversations is one that is not a household name… Ret. Gen. James Jones, the former Marine-turned-NATO Supreme Allied Commander. …

Besides Jones, the other names on the list bandied about with congressional Dems include (and not in any order): Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, Evan Bayh, Kathleen Sebelius, Ted Strickland, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, Jim Webb, Bill Nelson, Jack Reed, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Tom Daschle, and Sam Nunn. You’ll notice a few names NOT on this list (that’s not my exclusion — hint hint). Besides Jones, I’m told the two other names that invited extended discussion were Biden and Strickland.