The Obamas give “60 Minutes” largest viewership since 1999

17 11 2008

From the Associated Press…

Image property of CBS

Steve Kroft interviews Barack Obama for '60 Minutes'. Image property of CBS

NEW YORK — The campaign is over, but Barack Obama is still a TV hit.

CBS’ “60 Minutes” had its highest overnight ratings in nearly a decade with Sunday’s episode featuring Steve Kroft interviewing the president-elect and future first lady. Nielsen Media Research’s preliminary estimate the show was seen by 24.5 million people on Sunday.

That’s more than any other episode of a prime-time show seen this season, and the biggest audience for “60 Minutes” since January 1999…

Click here to see the Obamas on this week’s 60 Minutes!

I’m in love with CNN’s Campbell Brown

30 10 2008
Image from

Image from

Be sure to catch Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull weeknights at 8 p.m. on CNN!

IMPORTANT! Drudge Puts Dangerous Spin on Mugging, Implies Violence Targeting McCain Volunteers

23 10 2008

I usually never post a full and complete article but I felt that the things Feldman talks about need to be communicated to as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Please read it, especially if you read as much as I do!

Please visit the original article here and support their advertisers! Thank you!

By Jeffrey Feldman
Click here for the original article

Yesterday, a horrible incident took place in Pittsburgh: a young woman was robbed; and then, after the assailant noticed that her car had a McCain sticker, he returned to brutalize her, including scratching a backwards ‘B’ in her cheek with a knife. Although horrible by itself, what makes this story even more shocking is the way right-wing media has tried to twist the coverage with rhetoric suggesting that this ATM mugging was actually a pre-meditated act of political violence aimed at the McCain campaign.

At 4:03pm, today, a WTAE-TV Pittsburgh reported that a 20-year old woman was robbed at an ATM machine, and then subsequently had the letter ‘B’ scratched into her cheek with a knife–supposedly in response to her assailant seeing a ‘McCain’ campaign sticker on her car.   This is how WTAE reported the story:

Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face

Woman Robbed, Attacked With Knife At Bloomfield ATM
POSTED: 4:03 pm EDT October 23, 2008
UPDATED: 4:30 pm EDT October 23, 2008

PITTSBURGH — A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim’s car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter “B” into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank’s surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes. (link)

The crime was horrendous. Anyone who mugs another person, whether it is for $0.60 or $60, is a criminal who deserves punishment.  And to beat someone up–and then scratch a ‘B’ in their face–supposedly in response to seeing a McCain campaign sticker on a person’s car–that is an act that demands immediate criminal prosecution.  The young woman attacked deserves a speedy recovery and quick restitution of her property and dignity by the courts.

The problem with this crime, however, is not just that it happened, but the way that Matt Drudge has obviously tried to spin it into a political watershed for the 2008 Presidential campaign by rewriting the headline and carefully omitting several crucial elements.  The end result is that a mugging punctuated by an odd act of violence has been transformed at the hands of a right-wing media figure to appear like a targeted act of violence against the McCain campaign.

Not long after the original WTAE story, Drudge added the following incendiary headline on The Drudge Report:



Note two things that Drudge has strategically left out of this headline: (1) the actual details of the crime (e.g., an ATM robbery, followed by an assault) and (2) the fact that the robber brutalized the young woman after the initial crime had been completed, when the criminal noticed the bumber sticker on her car. The omissions are crucial because they repackage a story of theft and assault into a story of political violence.

What Drudge has done, in other words, is reframe a report about a mugging to make it seem like the beginning of targeted political violence against the McCain campaign.  Hence, it seems from his headline that there are criminals in the U.S. currently out looking for McCain volunteers with the goal of brutally assaulting them–that someone was looking for McCain volunteers to attack, found one, and beat her.

Now, Matt Drudge’s blog is one of the most visited websites on the internet and is well-known for its Republican Party leanings, it’s deep connection to right-wing media outlets, and the phenomenal speed with which it can disseminate a story–whether that story is true or false.  It is important, therefore, to consider the grave danger carried Drudge’s spinning of this story.

Given Drudge’s choice of words, one could imagine the Drudge headline as the basis for right-wing media and the Republican base to conclude that political violence has begun against the McCain campaign–despite this being a false and misleading representation of the events.

Even worse, the immense site traffic at The Drudge Report enjoys, combined with Drudge’s implication that this horrible mugging incident in Pittsburgh was in fact targeted political violence against Republicans, could result in widespread panic amongst by McCain supporters mislead by Drudge’s manipulative reporting into thinking that they were the target of some kind of organized assault.

If either of those things were to happen, the Drudge headline of the WTAE story could quickly tip the the Presidential election into a dangerous place by heightening the ‘us vs. them’ tensions already set in motion by the McCain-Palin campaign rhetoric.

Finally, since Pennsylvania is a ‘swing’ stage–a state that is still too-close-to-call in the Presidential election polls–it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Drudge’s deceptive re-framing of this mugging story could result in heightened tensions on the ground, and possibly contribute to outbursts of violence by people who believe they are under ‘attack,’ as a result of Drudge’s rhetoric.

However Drudge’s headline is interpreted, it has the potential to provide an excuse for actual political violence under the guise of self-defense.

Just to give an idea of how incendiary this story could become, since I began writing this post, the Obama-Biden campaign has already issued the following statement:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice.”

Their response shows the necessary and swift intolerance that any crime of this nature deserves.  Whether or not The Drudge Report will succeed with its dangerous ploy to recast this crime as the beginning of political violence against Republicans remains to be seen.   But at the very least, we can expect Drudge’s spin to be the lead on every right-wing media outlet at least to the weekend.

How mainstream media handles it is another story.  Will news producers at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS refute Drudge’s irresponsible flirtation with rhetoric that has the potential to spark widespread panic?   Let’s hope so.

©  2008 Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop

Backdrop Magazine drops October 24!

19 10 2008

This Friday, pick up the all new issue of Backdrop Magazine— Ohio University’s premiere fashion, arts, entertainment and culture magazine!!

Catch the editor-in-chief, publisher and photo editor making celebrity appearances on Real Time with Ryan Real, Athens’ channel 25 at 8 p.m. anytime this week! They will also be making an appearance on ACRN (All-Campus Radio Network) on Friday evening, promoting the Backdrop release party which is Saturday, October 25th, 10 p.m. at 19 South. DJ Sills of Oh Snat! It’s an Interview Show! will be interviewing Octoberfist and the Red Army who will be performing at the event. Other acts at the release party include DJ An-log, Nig Unit, Jesty Beatz and Grade School!

Make sure you pick up a copy of Backdrop Magazine this Friday and hit up the official release party Saturday night at 19 South!

Backdrop Magazine Release Party event page
Become a fan of Backdrop Magazine on Facebook

The Daily Show: John McCain Attempts a Comeback with His Recycled Speech

15 10 2008

The Daily Show is RIGHT ON. Jon Stewart is better than pretty much every other journalist out there, and he’s not even a journalist..

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “The Daily Show: John McCain Attempts …“, posted with vodpod

Experimenting with Photoshop Layers

22 09 2008

Just felt like posting this for the heck of it. I’m taking a class at Ohio University called Graphics and Audiences (JOUR 338) and we’re learning about Photoshop layers/effects. I made this in about 10 minutes toward the end of my last class:

I wanted to juxtapose tanks shooting something other than ammunition, so I made them shoot fish.

Below is my homework, where we had to take nine of the same object and apply different effects to each of them. It’s not much to look at– I mean it meets the general requirements for the assignment– but I like it nonetheless:

Any critiques/comments from some Photoshop gurus out there? Your constructive criticism is always appreciated!


Georgian journalist shot by Russian sniper while reporting on war

14 08 2008

Three’s Company! Another man alleged to have had affair with CBS News’ Lara Logan

26 06 2008


loganwareCBS’ Lara Logan was involved in a Baghdad love triangle with a married US State Department contractor and CNN international correspondent Michael Ware, the New York Post reports.

This week’s National Enquirer reported the news of Logan’s Baghdad sex life, and implicated her as the cause of the State Department contractor’s divorce. And while it named the contractor — Joe Burkett — it only described Ware as a “star CNN correspondent.” The Post reports his name in Thursday’s paper:

Passions got so hot in the combat zone that one of her lovers, Joe Burkett, brawled in a Baghdad “safe house” with her other paramour, CNN war reporter Michael Ware, a source said. A close pal of Logan, who confirmed the allegations to The Post, said Burkett’s marriage to Kimberly was already finished six months before they sparked up a relationship.

“She is not the cause of their divorce,” the friend told The Post yesterday.

“It was going to happen.”

The pal also said Logan was particularly hurt by the comments because she had met Kimberly Burkett and thought the two were “friendly.”

As for the other claims, pals admitted that Logan had a one-time fling with CNN reporter Ware – but denied that there was any sort of fight between him and Burkett in Baghdad.

“There was no screaming match,” the pal said.

Click to read more about Logan’s alleged involvement in the Burketts’ divorce

Lara Logan Involved in Baghdad Affair with State Department Employee??!! Why Not Me?

25 06 2008

June 25, 2008
Click here for the original article

laralogansmallLara Logan, who has been CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent since February 2006 and has reported from war zones for 17 years, was recently named Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for the network. But that’s not the juiciest news of the week surrounding Logan, who made headlines last week after appearing on the “Daily Show” and slamming American coverage of the Iraq war.

According to a National Enquirer report, Logan is at the center of a bitter divorce between Joe and Kimberly Burkett. Joe Burkett is a U.S. State Department contractor who was in Baghdad alongside Logan, which is reportedly where the affair began. From the National Enquirer:

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes foreign correspondent, Lara Logan, has been named as the “other woman” in a Texas couple Joe and Kimberly Burkett’s bitter divorce. Burkett’s wife Kimberly, 32, was so distraught with his cheating that she took an overdose of Valium.

Kimberly Burkett’s attorney Susie Chmielowiec told The ENQUIRER, “Kimberly believes Lara stole her husband – and now they’re trying to steal her little girl.”

And in a twist that’s as shocking as any story Lara has covered, sources are charging she also had another affair, and her two lovers got into a brutal battle over her in Baghdad!

Sources charge that the Emmy winning Logan began her affair with 36-year-old U.S. State Department contractor, Burkett in war-torn Baghdad.

The Enquirer further goes on to report that Logan was also involved with an unnamed “star CNN correspondent” and that Katie Couric, Logan’s CBS News colleague, “blew a gasket” over the news of Logan’s sex scandal:

When [Couric] heard the allegations about Lara, she exploded,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“Katie’s upset because it reflects badly on everybody at CBS, but particularly the women there,”

Click to read the entire National Enquirer article on the Lara Logan sex scandal.

Click here for the full story

Lara Logan: “Tell me the last time you saw the body of a dead American soldier.”

18 06 2008

Click here for the original post

Appearing on the Daily Show last night, CBS’s Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan crticized the lack of media attention to the Iraq war. She said she felt responsible for the fact that “no one really understands” what is happening in Iraq. She also said that the soldiers there “feel forgotten”:

Tell me the last time you saw the body of a dead American soldier. What does that look like? Who in American knows what that looks like? Because I know what that looks like, and I feel responsible for the fact that no one else does. … And the soldiers do feel forgotten, they do. No doubt. From Afghanistan to Iraq, they absolutely feel — you know, we may be tired of hearing about this five years later, they still have to go out and do the same job.

Watch it: