Best example of biased media

26 10 2008

Listen to the way this reporter frames her questions! How ridiculous that this lady calls herself a journalist… As a punishment, the Obama campaign cancelled an interview that Jill Biden had scheduled with the same TV station. I don’t blame them. Have fun watching the right wing media frame this as an interview with “tough questions”, not bad journalism.

Some choice Joe Biden quotes from this interview:
“Are you kidding me? Is this a joke?”
“I don’t know who’s writing your questions…”


Turns out Barbara West is married to Wade West, a political and media consultant for Republican politicians! Thanks Digg!

A new blog for visual political satire

25 10 2008

Hey everyone, check out this new site for visual political satire– FleetingMatters!

Comment and pass it along!

The Lesson: Don’t Steal Yard Signs

25 10 2008

Backdrop Magazine — OUT NOW

24 10 2008

Pick up your copy of Backdrop Magazine, OUT NOW!
Available at most newspaper/magazine racks around Athens and the Ohio University campus!

Property of Backdrop Magazine

Property of Backdrop Magazine

National Republican Trust PAC uses 9/11 footage in GOP ad

24 10 2008

Wonderful, it’s official: the thousands of lives that were taken on 9/11 have been politicized. I can’t imagine anything more disrespectful. Then again, this style ad is consistent with the kitchen sink strategy– when you can’t beat ’em, stain ’em.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “National Republican Trust PAC uses 9/…“, posted with vodpod

Ashley Todd’s story is FALSE, but will there still be reactive violence?

24 10 2008
Ashley Todd made it all up

Ashley Todd made it all up

Her story was a lie… but (see below) there are plenty of people just waiting for a chance to “keep their [gun] powder dry” and combat this [exposed fake] incident with more incendiary violence. Something about this seems all too familiar– any of you ever see the movie Wag the Dog?



PITTSBURGH (AP) – A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter “B” scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday. Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, admitted Friday that the story was false and was being charged with making a false report to police, said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department’s investigations division. Police doubted her story from the start, Bryant said.

Todd, who is white, told police she was attacked by a 6-foot-4 black man Wednesday night.

She now can’t explain why she invented the story, Bryant said. Todd also told police she believes she cut the backward “B” onto her own cheek, but did not provide an explanation of how or why, Bryant said…

Click here for the full story

MORE–Comment from Digg user “Clak”:

Clak:   Although I’m disgusted that this happened, especially since it was obvious to me that the girl was lying, the response to the supposed incident bolstered my belief that many of the Republicans slamming Obama are racists at heart. I mean, was anyone else surprised at the obvious racist tirades by Digg people (they won’t actually say the N-word because they know they would get banned).

Here’s just a few choice quotes:

USNavyBlue: “This is an act of war! A 20 year old white girl was attacked and a B for Obama carved in her face with a knife from her attacker for merely having a McCain bumper sticker on her car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a HATE CRIME and why in the hell isn’t this being charged as a hate crime? The hypocrisy is UNREAL. Keep you powder dry because apparently you are going to need it. Load and lock- its coming.”

jwissick: “This is only the beginning. If McCain wins, on the 4th – 5th there will prolly be riots all over the country. Be safe. Keep your powder dry.”

(NOTE: jwissick is right, but it’s the other way around. If Barack wins, we’ll see rioting, from Rednecks, who are stilled pissed about losing the Civil War)

jivemouth: “I guess both the Robber AND Obama enjoy taking other people’s money, so it sort of seems appropriate. I wonder if the assailant has a “Criminals for Obama” sticker on his car.”

BiasedGirl: “I guess Obama has the Mugger vote wrapped up in Pittsburgh.”

queenburns: “It’s true that Obama fans look at him as being a god. Almost like the radical muslims that are into Jihad and that if you don’t believe the way they believe you are an infidel and you must be killed. Obama fans will use violence and tear signs and lie and cheat to get what they want. But they are blind and believe me if Obama is elected all will see what he really is. He is a Chicago style politician and he is a thug who will stop at nothing and will admit to nothing. He’s so far left he fallen of the map!! God help us!!”

Stay classy, guys and gals. Stay classy.

All you Obama supporters out there, keep your cool and know that the truth is on your side!


Image from

Image from

Through this facebook group, I was able to get ahold of Ashley’s e-mail address as well as ALL of the following information:

See also:

Ashley Todd’s MySpace page

Her favorite quote, listed right on the front of her myspace page:

“Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths off, but its better if you do.”

Ashley Todd’s blog
Ashley Todd on YouTube (pre-BS incident)

Contact info:
334-277-2493 (home)
334-312-7969 (cell)
334-834-9790 (work)

You might say that posting this information is unethical. You might be right… but think of all the people who could/would have been killed as a result of this girl’s actions. We’re talking unprecedented political violence, the likes of which haven’t been seen for a LONG time. Ashley Todd had to know that making up a story of this magnitude would no doubt result in the exposing of every aspect of her digital self– blog, myspace, youtube, etc. So no, I have NO REGRETS for putting her under a microscope. Analyze away.

The vet who did not vet

24 10 2008

IMPORTANT! Drudge Puts Dangerous Spin on Mugging, Implies Violence Targeting McCain Volunteers

23 10 2008

I usually never post a full and complete article but I felt that the things Feldman talks about need to be communicated to as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Please read it, especially if you read as much as I do!

Please visit the original article here and support their advertisers! Thank you!

By Jeffrey Feldman
Click here for the original article

Yesterday, a horrible incident took place in Pittsburgh: a young woman was robbed; and then, after the assailant noticed that her car had a McCain sticker, he returned to brutalize her, including scratching a backwards ‘B’ in her cheek with a knife. Although horrible by itself, what makes this story even more shocking is the way right-wing media has tried to twist the coverage with rhetoric suggesting that this ATM mugging was actually a pre-meditated act of political violence aimed at the McCain campaign.

At 4:03pm, today, a WTAE-TV Pittsburgh reported that a 20-year old woman was robbed at an ATM machine, and then subsequently had the letter ‘B’ scratched into her cheek with a knife–supposedly in response to her assailant seeing a ‘McCain’ campaign sticker on her car.   This is how WTAE reported the story:

Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face

Woman Robbed, Attacked With Knife At Bloomfield ATM
POSTED: 4:03 pm EDT October 23, 2008
UPDATED: 4:30 pm EDT October 23, 2008

PITTSBURGH — A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim’s car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter “B” into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank’s surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes. (link)

The crime was horrendous. Anyone who mugs another person, whether it is for $0.60 or $60, is a criminal who deserves punishment.  And to beat someone up–and then scratch a ‘B’ in their face–supposedly in response to seeing a McCain campaign sticker on a person’s car–that is an act that demands immediate criminal prosecution.  The young woman attacked deserves a speedy recovery and quick restitution of her property and dignity by the courts.

The problem with this crime, however, is not just that it happened, but the way that Matt Drudge has obviously tried to spin it into a political watershed for the 2008 Presidential campaign by rewriting the headline and carefully omitting several crucial elements.  The end result is that a mugging punctuated by an odd act of violence has been transformed at the hands of a right-wing media figure to appear like a targeted act of violence against the McCain campaign.

Not long after the original WTAE story, Drudge added the following incendiary headline on The Drudge Report:



Note two things that Drudge has strategically left out of this headline: (1) the actual details of the crime (e.g., an ATM robbery, followed by an assault) and (2) the fact that the robber brutalized the young woman after the initial crime had been completed, when the criminal noticed the bumber sticker on her car. The omissions are crucial because they repackage a story of theft and assault into a story of political violence.

What Drudge has done, in other words, is reframe a report about a mugging to make it seem like the beginning of targeted political violence against the McCain campaign.  Hence, it seems from his headline that there are criminals in the U.S. currently out looking for McCain volunteers with the goal of brutally assaulting them–that someone was looking for McCain volunteers to attack, found one, and beat her.

Now, Matt Drudge’s blog is one of the most visited websites on the internet and is well-known for its Republican Party leanings, it’s deep connection to right-wing media outlets, and the phenomenal speed with which it can disseminate a story–whether that story is true or false.  It is important, therefore, to consider the grave danger carried Drudge’s spinning of this story.

Given Drudge’s choice of words, one could imagine the Drudge headline as the basis for right-wing media and the Republican base to conclude that political violence has begun against the McCain campaign–despite this being a false and misleading representation of the events.

Even worse, the immense site traffic at The Drudge Report enjoys, combined with Drudge’s implication that this horrible mugging incident in Pittsburgh was in fact targeted political violence against Republicans, could result in widespread panic amongst by McCain supporters mislead by Drudge’s manipulative reporting into thinking that they were the target of some kind of organized assault.

If either of those things were to happen, the Drudge headline of the WTAE story could quickly tip the the Presidential election into a dangerous place by heightening the ‘us vs. them’ tensions already set in motion by the McCain-Palin campaign rhetoric.

Finally, since Pennsylvania is a ‘swing’ stage–a state that is still too-close-to-call in the Presidential election polls–it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Drudge’s deceptive re-framing of this mugging story could result in heightened tensions on the ground, and possibly contribute to outbursts of violence by people who believe they are under ‘attack,’ as a result of Drudge’s rhetoric.

However Drudge’s headline is interpreted, it has the potential to provide an excuse for actual political violence under the guise of self-defense.

Just to give an idea of how incendiary this story could become, since I began writing this post, the Obama-Biden campaign has already issued the following statement:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice.”

Their response shows the necessary and swift intolerance that any crime of this nature deserves.  Whether or not The Drudge Report will succeed with its dangerous ploy to recast this crime as the beginning of political violence against Republicans remains to be seen.   But at the very least, we can expect Drudge’s spin to be the lead on every right-wing media outlet at least to the weekend.

How mainstream media handles it is another story.  Will news producers at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS refute Drudge’s irresponsible flirtation with rhetoric that has the potential to spark widespread panic?   Let’s hope so.

©  2008 Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop

Why Larry David can’t wait until Nov. 4

23 10 2008

By Larry David
Click here for the original post

Photo from

Photo from

I can’t take much more of this. Two weeks to go, and I’m at the end of my rope. I can’t work. I can eat, but mostly standing up. I’m anxious all the time and taking it out on my ex-wife, which, ironically, I’m finding enjoyable. This is like waiting for the results of a biopsy. Actually, it’s worse. Biopsies only take a few days, maybe a week at the most, and if the biopsy comes back positive, there’s still a potential cure. With this, there’s no cure. The result is final. Like death.

Five times a day I’ll still say to someone, “I don’t know what I’m going to do if McCain wins.” Of course, the reality is I’m probably not going to do anything. What can I do? I’m not going to kill myself. If I didn’t kill myself when I became impotent for two months in 1979, I’m certainly not going to do it if McCain and Palin are elected, even if it’s by nefarious means. If Obama loses, it would be easier to live with it if it’s due to racism rather than if it’s stolen. If it’s racism, I can say, “Okay, we lost, but at least it’s a democracy. Sure, it’s a democracy inhabited by a majority of disgusting, reprehensible turds, but at least it’s a democracy.” If he loses because it’s stolen, that will be much worse. Call me crazy, but I’d rather live in a democratic racist country than a non-democratic non-racist one…

Click here for the full post

Controversial McCain ad leaked to press

23 10 2008

By Michael Weingartner
Click here for the original post

The geniuses at are back at it with this hilarious leaked McCain advertisement…