CBS News’ Lara Logan pregnant with Joe Burkett’s baby; couple will wed

8 07 2008

From The Huffington Post…

laraloganheliLara Logan is pregnant and will marry the father of her baby, Joe Burkett, the state department contractor whose marriage she was accused of destroying. Rumors swirled around Logan’s romantic life last month, including a love triangle involving CNN’s Michael Ware. Now, Logan has told the Washington Post‘s Howard Kurtz that she is expecting a baby and will marry Burkett “eventually” (presumably once their respective divorces are finalized)…

Click here for the full story

Lara Logan’s Thought Process – 23/

28 06 2008

Posted by Laurie Kilmartin
Click here for the original post


Three’s Company! Another man alleged to have had affair with CBS News’ Lara Logan

26 06 2008


loganwareCBS’ Lara Logan was involved in a Baghdad love triangle with a married US State Department contractor and CNN international correspondent Michael Ware, the New York Post reports.

This week’s National Enquirer reported the news of Logan’s Baghdad sex life, and implicated her as the cause of the State Department contractor’s divorce. And while it named the contractor — Joe Burkett — it only described Ware as a “star CNN correspondent.” The Post reports his name in Thursday’s paper:

Passions got so hot in the combat zone that one of her lovers, Joe Burkett, brawled in a Baghdad “safe house” with her other paramour, CNN war reporter Michael Ware, a source said. A close pal of Logan, who confirmed the allegations to The Post, said Burkett’s marriage to Kimberly was already finished six months before they sparked up a relationship.

“She is not the cause of their divorce,” the friend told The Post yesterday.

“It was going to happen.”

The pal also said Logan was particularly hurt by the comments because she had met Kimberly Burkett and thought the two were “friendly.”

As for the other claims, pals admitted that Logan had a one-time fling with CNN reporter Ware – but denied that there was any sort of fight between him and Burkett in Baghdad.

“There was no screaming match,” the pal said.

Click to read more about Logan’s alleged involvement in the Burketts’ divorce