60 Minutes: Elite Officer Recalls Hunt for Osama Bin Laden in Months After 9/11

6 10 2008

From 60 Minutes…

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(CBS) Shortly after 9/11, the Pentagon ordered a top secret team of American commandos into Afghanistan with a single, simple order: kill Osama bin Laden. It was America’s best chance to eliminate the leader of al Qaeda. The inside story of exactly what happened in that mission, and how close it came to its objective has never been told until now.

The man you are about to meet was the officer in command, leading a team from the U.S. Army’s mysterious Delta Force – a unit so secret, it’s often said Delta doesn’t exist. But you are about to see Delta’s operators in action.

Why would the mission commander break his silence after seven years? He told 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley that most everything he has read in the media about his mission is wrong and now he wants to set the record straight.

“…The idea was that if this all worked out Osama bin Laden would be dead, and no one would ever know that Delta Force was there?” Pelley asks.

“That’s right,” Fury says. “That’s the plan. And that always is when you’re talking about Delta Force…”