Exposing Matt Drudge’s Lazy Journalism

22 01 2009

I used to be a huge fan of DrudgeReport.com… but ever since it was clear that Obama was going to be our next president (I peg that to be sometime mid-October), Drudge has taken a hard turn to the “right”. Here’s a shining example. Last night, Matt Drudge ran the following headline vis a vis Nielsen television ratings for presidential inaugurations:

REAGAN BEATS OBAMA: 41,800,260 to 37,793,008…

These numbers are accurate— yet they leave out an absolutely essential viewership component of the 21st century. Online viewers.

Just in this one YouTube video of Obama’s inauguration, there are over 2.4 million hits. Add that to Obama’s original total and he’s almost a million viewers away from beating Reagan’s inauguration. And given the varying lengths, quality, and sheer number of Obama inauguration videos, I feel confident in assuming in this digital era that easily more than 2 million people watched Obama’s inauguration online in some capacity.

Come on Drudge… what happened to you? Don’t make me set my homepage to HuffingtonPost.com…