Can somebody get Cosby outta here?

24 10 2008

Bill Cosby getting… “creative”?…. with an intro to the Temple vs. Ohio University football game last Tuesday. Special thanks to my friend Jimmy over at the For the Sports Minded blog for posting it and bringing it to my attention!

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Ohio University Students Urged to Recognize New University-Wide Marijuana Protocol

12 09 2008

As school gets back into swing for the 2008-2009 academic year, most students might not realize that there are several rule changes going into effect. One of the biggest rule changes that impacts students, especially those still living in on-campus housing, is the new marijuana protocol which was brought forth last year and went into effect the first day of Fall quarter of this year.

“While we have known the new rules for marijuana for several months, it is just now officially kicking in,” said Students Defending Students Director Lauren Vandermark, a non-profit student organization that represents those accused of student code-of-conduct violations in the University Judiciaries system. “We wanted to be proactive in making students aware of the change in policy so they know what to expect if they get in trouble, but also to prevent students from getting in trouble in the first place. Of course, if they still get in trouble for drug, alcohol, or any other code-of-conduct related offenses, we are there to assist them throughout the entire process.”

According to the new policy, a student found in-violation of an alcohol or marijuana-related offense will face six to nine months of disciplinary probation. If the same student commits another offense using the same substance for which they were previously in trouble, and are still on probation for that offense, they are eligible for immediate suspension. However, if the student gets in trouble a second time but with a different substance than the previous violation, the penalty will consist of an extended disciplinary probation anywhere from twelve months to the student’s entire academic career at Ohio University.

It is important to note that these guidelines are only applicable to marijuana and alcohol violations. More serious drug violations fall under a different area of the student code of conduct, and are managed according to separate guidelines.

“We recognize that the university has an interest in preventing illegal activities from taking place on its property,” added Vandermark. “While we don’t endorse drug or alcohol use, we recognize that it is an inevitable part of the college experience for some. We just want students to be informed of the consequences if they choose to break the rules because ultimately we are all adults, and therefore must be accountable for the decisions we individually make.”

Students Defending Students is available in Baker 305C and holds open office hours Sunday through Thursday, 6-9 p.m. Their website can be found at, and when available, you can chat with a live representative through their AOL screen name, OUSDS.

Click here to view the Students Defending Students facebook profile