Kobe, LeBron: Mutual Respect (ESPN)

10 02 2009

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Marijuana Legalization Poster Child: Michael Phelps, Olympic Champion

31 01 2009
14-times Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught smoking marijuana out of a bong. Image from NewsOfTheWorld.co.uk

14-times Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught smoking marijuana out of a bong. Image from NewsOfTheWorld.co.uk

Jamaica’s Usain Bolt Is Freaky Fast, But Nowhere Near Human Limits

26 08 2008

From Wired.com…

As astonishing as Usain Bolt’s record-breaking 100-meter sprint was, his time of 9.69 seconds is nowhere near what biostatisticians predict is the natural limit for the human body.

But because he broke the mathematical model that had fit 100-meter record data for almost a century, Bolt’s incredible performance could reset how fast researchers believe humans ultimately can run.

“This trend seems to defy simple curve fitting,” wrote Tatsuo Tabata, director of the Institute for Data Evaluation and Analysis in Japan.

Statisticians have used a lower limit for 100-meter times of about 9.45 seconds, according to Tabata and other researchers. The exponential curve seen above — which is drawn from an equation calculated to fit the world record data — had been quite successful at predicting the steady progress of faster and faster 100-meter times. But Bolt’s recent string of world records was clearly not an expected event: The model didn’t predict a 9.69 until almost 2030…

Click here for the full story

If Earth had a facebook mini-feed…

16 08 2008

From CollegeHumor.com

China reverses position, now says it will censor internet access during Olympics

29 07 2008

From the AFP…
Click here for the original article

China will censor the Internet used by foreign media during the Olympics, an organising committee official confirmed Wednesday, reversing a pledge to offer complete media freedom at the games.

“During the Olympic Games we will provide sufficient access to the Internet for reporters,” said Sun Weide, spokesman for the organising committee.

He confirmed, however, that journalists would not be able to access information or websites connected to the Falungong spiritual movement which is banned in China.

Other sites were also unavailable to journalists, he said, without specifying which ones.

Incredible photos of China as it prepares for the 2008 Olympics

21 07 2008

From Boston.com…
(All photos by AFP/Reuters/AP… 24 photos in total, definitely worth a closer look)

How the East was won: China wins battle against algae… for now.

15 07 2008

By Quentin Sommerville
From the BBC…

The Chinese government has successfully cleared tonnes of algae that was blocking the Olympic sailing course in the eastern city of Qingdao.

A special protection zone was set up using a boom and netting.

But in other areas the thick bright green algae is still polluting the beaches.

The Chinese government had set a goal of clearing the sailing area by Tuesday. The Olympic Games begin on 8 August.

The water at the Olympic sailing course in Qingdao is now largely algae free.

Some 10,000 troops from the People’s Liberation Army have lifted over half a million tonnes of the thick heavy weed from the coastline.

A boom and netting is stopping more of the algae coming ashore.

Olympic sailing teams here say they can now train and will be able to compete in Qingdao’s waters.

But at beaches not protected by the boom, the algae is still coming in.

China says it is a naturally occurring, though rare, phenomenon. Environmentalists blame pollution.

Earthquakes, Algae, and…. Locusts? China prepares for potential locust invasion during Olympics

5 07 2008

By Grant Clark
July 4, 2008
Click here for the original article
locustsJuly 4 (Bloomberg) — Beijing Olympic organizers, struggling to clear their algae-choked sailing venue and facing a possible locust invasion, say these latest challenges to next month’s games are no “major problem.”

About 10,000 people are scooping algae out of the sea at the eastern city of Qingdao, while officials in Inner Mongolia are preparing to fight off a plague of locusts that may arrive in the capital city during the Olympics.

“There’s an old saying in China that good things only come after enduring a lot of hardship,” Jiang Xiaoyu, vice president of the Beijing organizing committee, said yesterday in Beijing. “We expected to face many challenges so it’s not a surprise. These issues aren’t major problems.”

So far this year, the world’s most populous nation has faced the worst winter snowstorms in 50 years, riots in Lhasa, violent protests about government policies toward Tibet along the Olympic torch relay route in Europe and North America, an earthquake and flooding…

Click here for the full story

How many signs do we need to realize that Beijing is gonna screw up the Olympics?

30 06 2008


By John Yardley
June 30, 2008
Click here for the original article

With less than six weeks before it plays host to the Olympic sailing regatta, the city of Qingdao has mobilized thousands of people and an armada of small boats to clean up an algae bloom that is choking large stretches of the coastline and threatening to impede the Olympic competition.

Local officials have initiated an all-out effort to clean up the algae by mid-July. Media reports estimate that as many as 20,000 people have either volunteered or been ordered to participate in the operation, while 1,000 boats are scooping algae out of the Yellow Sea. The official news agency, Xinhua, reported that algae currently covered a third of the coastal waters designated for the Olympic races…

Click here for the full story

New 2008 Olympics Commercial About Derek Redmond.. Best Commercial Ever.

24 06 2008

This is quite possibly the best Olympic commercial I have ever seen– and narrated by Morgan Freeman? Come on!! SO GOOD… Sorry the video’s not very good quality, you can visit the Visa website and watch it there in good quality but they don’t let you embed it.

Here’s a 3 minute documentary about the incident, produced by BBC Sports:

Click here to see Derek Redmond’s Wikipedia article