Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D-VT): Don’t Prosecute Michael Phelps

6 02 2009

By Ryan Grim
Click here for the original article

Michael Phelps might feel like the entire world is coming after him for taking the bong hit seen around world. His sponsor Kellogg Co. is dropping him, the local sheriff is threatening to prosecute him, and USA Swimming has suspended him for three months.

But at least one cooler head on Capitol Hill isn’t going to join the mob. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is a former prosecutor and said that if a sheriff had brought a case like Phelps’ to his office, he would have used his discretion and not prosecuted it.

“When I was a prosecutor, I was far more interested in going after armed robbers, murderers and rapists rather than trying to go after some kid for smoking marijuana,” said Leahy.